Lomba penulisan Essay, Video & Foto dari Bank Dunia
Dikirim General dengan kaitan (tags) foto, essay, video, info lomba, bak dunia, worldbank, climate pada Januari 23, 2009 oleh phandaka
World Bank mengadakan lomba penulisan karya tulis/essay, video dan photo, untuk anak muda (usia 18th s/d 25th).
Tema lomba adalah: “Climate Change”.
Deadline lomba adalah: February 22, 2009.
Beberapa tulisan berikut bisa jadi clue:
The Essay Competition 2009 invites youth to share ideas on:
How does climate change affect you?
How can you tackle climate change through youth-led solutions?
Please answer both questions:
1. How does climate change affect you, your country, town or local community? How do you think it will affect you in the future? Think about the consequences for employment, health, security and other areas of your life.
2. What can you do, working together with your peers, to address the problem of climate change in your country, town or local community? Think specifically about the role of youth-led initiatives in the ‘green economy’.
1. Essay
Eight finalists will participate in the Final Jury in Seoul, South Korea, in June 2009, and attend the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE).
Money awards:
1st prize: 3,000 USD
2nd prize: 2,000 USD
3rd prize: 1,000 USD
2. Video
Author of the winning video will be invited for a screening at the occasion of the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE), held in Seoul, South Korea, in June 2009.
Money awards:
1st prize: 2,000 USD
2nd prize: 1,000 USD
3rd prize: 500 USD
3. Photo
Money awards:
1st prize: 500 USD
2nd prize: 300 USD
3rd prize: 200 USD
Winners of the photo competition do not travel to the ABCDE Conference in South Korea, but will have their photos featured in the Essay Competition Summary Report, on the website of the Essay Competition and partner organizations’.
sumber http://ajangkompetisi.wordpress.com/category/general/
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